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Neon和以太坊gas计算器结果不同(Neon and Ethereum Gas Calculators give different Results)


In Neon EVM, a calculator is implemented to account the gas consumption. Despite the fact that this calculator is implemented in the same way as in Ethereum, sometimes it shows different results in gas calculations on tests.

在 Neon EVM 中,实现了一个计算器来计算gas消耗。尽管这个计算器的实现方式与以太坊相同,但有时它会在测试中显示不同的gas计算结果。

Since contracts for Neon EVM can be created using various languages (including Solidity/Viper/others), these contracts can implement their own gas counting method.

由于 Neon EVM 的合约可以使用各种语言(包括 Solidity/Viper/其他)创建,这些合约可以实现自己的 gas 计算方法。

Let's assume that the Ethereum network contract implements the following operations:


  • Calculation of gas consumption using their own methods.

  • Calculation of gas consumption using the EVM calculator.
    使用 EVM 计算器计算消耗的gas。

  • Comparison of the results obtained.

Since the results may be different, this method will not be able to work.

At the moment, the following is known about this bug:

  • The error is in the Neon EVM code.
    错误存在于Neon EVM 代码。

  • The error does not affect the stability of the code.

  • The error appears if:

    • a contract independently calculates gas consumption.

    • in the contract, the calculation is checked with issuing a message like this: "the gas has been calculated correctly".

Due to a bug in the Neon EVM code, the result of such checks may be incorrect.
由于 Neon EVM 代码中的错误,此类检查的结果可能不正确。

Bug何时修复(When will the bug be fixed)

Investigating and fixing the bug will start after MVP on Mainnet.
调查和修复bug将在主网上 MVP 之后开始。